Upcoming Activities:

May 2009:
8/May - Mother's day Gift Preparation - Gathering at church hall

- Breakfast Sales, 7am Gathered At Church
- Fun Game with Bible Study, 1pm At Church Room

30-31/May - Two days One Night Port Dickson Trip

June 2009:
7/June - After mass meeting. 11am at church - Discuss about
father's day gift preparation and orphanage visit.

28/June - Visit Orphanage

Mother's Day Gifts Preparation Photos

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day Gifts Preparation - 9/5/2009

Hi All,

I was so surprised that today morning we have 7 to 8 person come for the preparation. And this is the first time our Chinese youth join force together with our parish english youth, tamil youth and kampung pandan OLGH church youth to prepare mother's day gifts.

This year mother's day gift is Flower. We help to trim off the thorns and unwanted leaves on the flower. Above is our youth who take part in the gift preparation. : )

I would like to take this opportunity to thanks those who came and God bless you all.

Take care,

Henry Kuan

三八区 - 有口难言,不吐不快,说来听听吗:)